Welcome to my website. Here, you’ll find my articles on grammar, style, and the writing process. “Wish, Wonder, Write!” covers a variety issues that can arise while writing creative works. “Boston Chick-ago” holds “Sticky-Note Diary” entries. These discuss sections in The Chicago Manual Style, 17th ed., namely those whose place I marked with sticky notes while working on my writing and critiquing others’ works. Check out my “Nutshell Reviews” on writing software, how-to books and websites, and more.
Under “Medical/Health/Surviving Survival,” I share my cancer story, as well as an article I wrote about important cardiac considerations for long-term survivors of childhood cancer. These articles are a bit off-topic from the main content. However, as a long-term Hodgkin’s Lymphoma survivor and (long-retired) registered nurse, I think this information could help other survivors.
“Fiction and Poetry,” a work in progress, will hold my own works as well, including flash fiction, short stories, poems, and book excerpts.
I’ve lived just north of Boston for a lifetime. In fact, Boston has played an integral role in all aspects of my life–work, school, entertainment, health, family. Growing up, I often visited and attended events at the State House, where my father worked as a legislator. I graduated nursing school in 1985, worked in critical care and emergency in the Boston area, and in 2020 graduated from Salem State University with a BA in English (concentration in professional writing) and minor in psychology.
During my last semester at SSU, I wrote a few health-related articles for Salem State University’s magazine, Red Skies: “Screen Wise,” “Love on the Brain,” and “Germs 101.” I’ve been writing young-adult fiction since 2013, ever since my younger daughter got me hooked on The Hunger Games book and movie series.