Songs can play a role in storytelling. However, there are several things to consider when including a song in your fiction–especially if you’re creating an original song for the work. In this article, I delve into a variety of such considerations: *The article does NOT recommend a specific way to format songs in fiction. Why?…
Category: Wish, Wonder, Write!
writing tips, how-tos, and insight on novel writing
How to Avoid Adverb Overload in Dialogue Tags
It’s an annoying condition that years of studying fiction writing taught me not to do: overusing adverbs in dialogue tags, speaker attributions whose purpose is to identify a speaker. I diagnosed dialogue-tag adverbitis (my name for it) in a book series I recently read. I enjoyed the story but was distracted by the amount of…
Spinning Reality: How to keep realistic fiction fictitious
(In this article, I use The Beauty of a Spiral, my contemporary YA novel, as an example.) During a time when my daughters and I figure-skated, I watched a movie with a figure-skating theme and was annoyed by a scene depicting a skater taking a test. It was nothing like any skating test my daughters…
Review: Vellum
Without my Vellum software, I wouldn’t have published The Beauty of a Spiral yet. Vellum is costly at 249.99 (199.99 if you want just the ebook software). Making up for that, it’s a one-and-done purchase. I don’t pay a monthly fee for it, and it formats print and ebook files efficiently, producing an end product…
About The Beauty of a Spiral
“Spiral” has more meanings than one for sixteen-year-old Madz Monroe, who quits skating only to be faced with a medical apocalypse. Scared of sharing her diagnosis, she hides herself and her illness from others, including her parents’ landscaper, her crush. The experience opens her eyes to a world of suffering while helping her discover the…
Comma Sense
Is what you remember about comma placement necessarily true? Is your manuscript packed with commas? In this article, I refer to The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) to tackle tricky comma situations and situations where you may think you need a comma but don’t. Keep in mind different style books may have different rules about…
The Essence of an Unusual Love Song
Analyzing a well-written story or poem is like going on a treasure hunt. It helps us find hidden gems—symbols and allusions, for example. These translate into messages or story itself. What we learn through analysis can help us hone our craft. We can learn how to bury gems in our own works or do it…
Review: Fiverr (as a source for beta readers) is a website where you can find freelancers offering a variety of services. In my case, I hired two beta readers from this site. As well, you can offer your own services here. Navigating Fiverr I navigated the site easily, signing in through my Google account. To find a beta reader, I clicked on…
Stories contain action that hooks readers. Conflict propels the action, which eventually leads to a resolution. While a good plot offers readers an escape, it also teaches a lesson. By confronting the external problem, the main character works through an internal issue. The resolution of this emotional conflict changes the course of the hero’s life….
Witchcraft or Rye?
The place was called Salem Village. The year was 1692, when doctors lacked in-depth medical knowledge and religion played a major role in local government. As a result, girls suffering bizarre symptoms were slapped with a diagnosis of “bewitched.” The cure? Find the witches responsible and kill them. The supernatural isn’t the only theory out…